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A wonderful legend surrounds Peregrine Mountain first flush China Black Tea – one of the finest teas produced in Yunnan Province.


The legend says a young boy was faced with the choice to either free a trapped peregrine Falcon caught in a snare or let the bird die. The bird spoke to the boy and promised if he set him free he would lead him to a field of undiscovered tea. The boy chose to save the bird and as promised was led to a wealth of tea plants. In some of the remote mountain villages Peregrines are revered as sacred and spiritual birds and legends regarding them abound.


Close to us at the New Lanark World Heritage Site the stunning Peregrine Falcons are frequent visitors to the Falls of Clyde. The awesome beauty of the falls is something that needs to be seen, and great to have a little bit of history on our doorstep.


The origin of this rare black tea is Yunnan province, China, the birthplace of tea. The long neat leaves have an abundance of golden buds. Expect dark raisin and plum, malty highlights and a sweet aroma.

Peregrine Mountain Black Tea

SKU: 0009
  • 35g (1.23oz)

    How we like our tea

    2.5g in 200ml water

    95-98 degrees for 3 - 4 minutes.

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