Here at the Scottish Tea House we are committed to a land management approach that combines trees, shrubs and hedgerows around the tea garden called Agroforestry. This practice delivers a multitude of benefits both for the Tea Garden and for nature.
Hedges are part of an ancient agroforestry tradition. Together with hedgerow trees and other field edge habitats, they form an extensive habitat network that's crucial to wildlife and defines our landscapes.
We have planted 700 native trees and shrubs which are improving soil health and boosting the tea gardens biodiversity. We have created a wildlife pond as nearly 70 percent of ponds have been lost from our Scottish countryside. We hope we have created a small haven for multiple species complete with its own ecosystem.
As the trees and bushes mature they improve landscape character while also sequestering carbon and capturing air pollutants and enhancing soil, carbon and water resources.
The trees have a role to play as they provide valuable habitat around the Tea Garden and create crucial corridors for wildlife to travel through the landscape. The right trees in the right place also buffer and protect the tea gardens from our Scottish weather.